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Saturday, April 29, 2006

My Life 9

Something...traumatising happened today. I attended my uncle's cremation today and there were a lot of people there. Anyway, after the pastor finished his BORING speech, we made our way to the Mandai Crematorium. You cannot believe the luxury! The place looked like a millionaire country club from the outside and Changi Airport from the inside! Anyway, once we reached this chapel-like place, the pastor commented that he had never seen so many people in the place before, adding that my uncle had really done a lot of good deeds and everything.

Ok, so anyway, one of my aunts was coughing profusely on my right and my mother instigated me to give her the "Halls" sweet I had in my pocket. I did so and she seemed better. Anyway, back to my uncle. My aunt, (not the one beside me!!! My uncle's wife.) kept crying and sobbing loudly, so much so that my cousins, (her children who are already adults...) had to hug her and reveal their fluster-red faces. They were crying too. And in fact, there were a lot of people crying as well. Very sad, there was so much crying in the room and the distinctive sobs flooded the room with utter uneasiness. So, when we were allowed to take on last look at my uncle, I went in front and gasped.

I have at least understand a part of my aunt's sorrow. My uncle looked nothing like how he looked in the orbituary. From a skin as fair as Ryan Seacrest's, his skin was now as dark as an Indian's. He used to have a paunch but now he was as skinny as me. There were a lot of wrinkles and his skin looked so delicate. His facial features seemed like wax as I looked in utter shock. The result of coloncancer was resting in front of me. Never did I expect any corpse at all to look like that.

Then, we made our way to the place where he was cremated. I took a front space together with my other cousins. My aunt was now sobbing so much that it seemed she was not going to be able to bear to see through the ceromony. Due to the intense heat, the coffin had to be machine-operated into the burning room. THEN!!! At the very moment the flicker of the fires arose, another lady had broken down. She began stamping her feet repeatedly on the floor and she burst into tears and screams. She shouted non-stop in some dialect and everyone merely watched pitifully as some other people held her tight. My cousins had put their hands over their mouths. Crying? I thought so at first until I took a closer look and realised they were laughing!!!

We got out and everyone had been infected with either silence or monotone voices. Thank God one of his close relatives was deliberately put at the back. If she saw the burning up close, I think things would have turned out worse. I later found out that the woman had broken down because she was standing at the point in which she actually saw the process of the cremation. "Your sweet saved my life..." my aunt joked when she came up to me later. There were still a lot of people crying rather loudly. As I took my ride home in the car, my relatives joked and all. I got a haircut and soon forgot about the cremation. But the moment I came to the computer, I knew I had to post this entry to make all of you out there realise how precious your ancestors are right now and when it's time for you to accept the fact that they are gone, at least you will have the fact that you have cherished them to embrace.

Solemn Perfectionist rocked the house on 9:05 PM

Friday, April 28, 2006

My Life 8

Sorry Jon, but I could not help getting the CD wet. Anyway it was already in bad condition when I first got it so I was kind of surprised when you made a sarcastic remark. Remember my uncle who was suffering from coloncancer? He died a few nights ago in the hospital and the doctors said it was a miracle that ha managed to stay alive so long. His last words to his family was that he was ready...ready to go to heaven. Just the night before his death, he was vomiting blood. Not like tuberculosis when you COUGH out blood, but he vomited it out.

Anyway, good news: The BB boys beat the GB girls in Catain's Ball today. Thanks to their fanatastic defender...(Haha. Don't take the self-appraisal seriously lar...). I think I did well for my Oral this time but the MT listening Comprehension was not exactly what you call easy...Lol. Ok, I'll stop calling Avelene vulgar from now on. By the way, do you know her brother is in BB? They don't look alike at all. Her brother looks like a Goody-two-shoes. I'm serious! He looks very "Guai-guai" leh... So not like Avelene...

Solemn Perfectionist rocked the house on 8:51 PM

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

My Life 7

My stupid group could not even proccess my instructions right! They took 20 minutes just to understand what I was talking about! Then I had no umbrella and had to tread on water and brave the aquatic elements. My whole bag was LITERALLY soaked to the core and ALL of my stuff was wet. I had to throw some stuff away. (Actually I was going to throw them away sooner or later anyway.) But the suckiest thing that happened was my thermometer. It had spoilt last minute and the stupid temperature taking is tomorrow!!! What's worst, my dad scolded me for forgetting to call my maid to fetch me. Like I did not have other things on my mind! My stupid group was going haywire with Ian having emotional outbursts, I had to rush for my tuition that was pretty soon, there was no cab in sight, and I had not even prepared my Chinese Tuition spelling!

My dad punished me by making me study half an hour every day until exams were over. But the worst punishment was that I could not go anywhere by myself anymore!!! I know people would say "shit!!!" when it happens to them. But I, being a goody-two-shoes, (as Avelene suggested...), just said "shit!". Haha! Get it? Never mind. I'm just kidding. The punishment was not that bad. At least I don't have to freak myself out when it comes to homework deadlines. I know I'm wrong at this point and am being punished for it and all, but for some reason, I don't feel as bad as I should be...

Solemn Perfectionist rocked the house on 8:28 PM

Monday, April 24, 2006

My Life 6

Guitar lessons yesterday rocked. The teacher was really patient with us and he taught us in a way that was easy to understand. Now, it's time for a reality check: COGS is my church and yes, I do take guitar lessons but only to worship God. Most of you should know the song "Sheperd of My Soul", it's easy to sing, but damn hard to play on the guitar!!! The notes were so complicated. Thank God this teacher helped me visualise the notes better. My fingers were so sore after a mere one hour and being the worst player in the class, I, like the rest, did not practise and did not get my guitar tuned so the teacher got pretty upset when he found out.

Jon is supposed to lend me his Linkin Park CD. Of course, I don't think he'll remember...lol. Jon is making a lot of improvement in his speech content and is starting to become a REAL christian. Clap, clap, clap. I'm gonna unban him after this. Oh, Caleb (Goh, of course. Caleb Ng is not going to survive if he ever shoves himself in front of me.) was in church and he let me listen to the Fort Minor song, "Believe Me". I have listened to the song before of course! I'm not a nerd!!! But the song is never tiresome. Lol. Too bad I'll have to attend another church because I have tuition for the next two weeks. Ugh! I just remembered that's when I have to play "Sheperd of My Soul". I better start practising or I'll make a fool of myself like the last time......

Solemn Perfectionist rocked the house on 8:27 PM

Sunday, April 23, 2006

My Life 5

Posting entries is quite addictive actually. But I knew I had to get inspiration for my entries so I decided to listen to my mp3 while posting this so I can be more motivated. Forgive me if you spot some grammatical or spelling errors cause' I'm concentrating more to this song I'm listening to. It's kind of old and lame but I like it.

The new car came in two days ago and my dad brought the whole seven of us for a joy ride. We went to the esplanade but could not really go into any fancy place cause' well.....ONE of us was in nightclothes. Ah! Green Day's playing "Boulevard of Broken Dreams" now in my mp3. It really rocks. Anyway, we also went to Geylang and saw a lot of prostitutes. Sorry, perhaps I should have censored that or something. Those of you under the age of 12 should not carry on reading. We were in the Red Light District. My parents said it was called that because the prostitutes would put up red lights when they were having...you know what. There were a lot of coffee shops and hotels with obscene names. Yuck.

Anyway, everyone kept staring and pointing at the prostitutes and the prostitutees. (Don't know if there is such a word). I was so afraid that they all would mind but my father kept saying that our new car window was tinted or something. It means that we can see people outside but not the other way round. Back to Geylang. My sister and cousin kept saying "EEW!" when they saw the prostitutes and they were all on my side! My sis said that one only wore THAT little. Some even flash numbers with their fingers. Either for the price or the room number. Yuck! The whole place was filled with ONLY adults. Big surprise...

On the bright side, my new car rocks and I'm going to church today! I'll be missing COGS again until the exams but hey! I going today! Can't wait to see Caleb and see what he's up to. But then again, I gotta say "shit" because there is this Guitar lesson which I absolutely cannot seem to get the hang of.

Solemn Perfectionist rocked the house on 12:35 PM

Saturday, April 22, 2006

My Life 4

I was just browsing the internet when I saw this game that is really...educational. It's a little lame but I enjoyed the end. It's very suitable for egoistic people like Jon. Haha. Anyway, you can be a virtual American President of your own and control the country. You can get interviewed and everything. So you can play as the good guy or you can choose to be corrupted. My links has that game.

Oh! One more thing. You know Caleb Goh? My church friend of course! Not the two idiots in 6/9. He's really smart cause' he's in ACS. As you all know, ACS has a really high standard and he's still in the best class...Clap, Clap, Clap.

Jon is getting more vulgar each day and I think he might stage a pre-matured teenage rebellion. I don't think Avelene is that bad...yet. Yesterday, Beth said that her cousin mentioned that my inference skills were poor! Ugh, I'm sorry I mistook you for someone else Ms. Rachel, but unfortunately all the tags you posted in Beth's blog hinted you were Rachita. By the way, Rachita's blog IS ancient. Sorry once again for the misunderstanding.

Jon was asking me to unban him but obviously with his vulgar and crude attitude, he can probably forget about it. Hey, I have this joke that's not really funny...but I'll tell you anyway.

Ok, I was marking my assesment papers when there was this question about what kind of reproduction cells and frogs use. So anyway, I wrote that cells reproduce through Asexual reproduction. But I forgot about what I learnt in P5 and I wrote that frogs reproduce through BISEXUAL reproduction. Heh...Heh. Ok, the joke's kinda lame and not everyone might catch it. But hey, this world reeks lame jokes.

Solemn Perfectionist rocked the house on 11:07 AM

Friday, April 21, 2006

My Life 3

Everyone today was just dying to piss me off. Avelene, unfortunately, has to sit with me in class, exam, Music and Science. Once again, she did not fail to amaze me with her little vulgar comments. Jon, was sitting far...far away. Thank God for that.

Break wasn't peasant too. Except of course for the nice song which everyone kept singing along like there was a disease spreading or something. The song, of course, is "Numb" by Linkin Park and I contemplated adding it to my mp3 because it really rocks.

My sis also took her own sweet time to play with her stupid friends and got the rest of us into trouble with The Emperor. Oh! I forgot, you are clueless. "The Emperor" is the name we call our dad. All the boys and girls in the class are starting to get so vulgar that they seem to be rebellious too. Of course, there are always the Goody-two-shoes like me. (As Avelene "complimented" me). Indeed, there are others who are TRULY faithful to God unlike others who merely claim they are christians. That is all.

Solemn Perfectionist rocked the house on 8:33 PM

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

My Life 2

Those who expect a depressing sequel to my previous "My Life" will be disappointed. Now, I shall write something less sad. After posting so many posts at one go, its time to let out some steam. Jon, I really am getting irritated with his non-stop blabbing about me being a nerd/geek/dork/pessimist/introvert/solitaire. For goodness sake, my profile has the proof that I'm not. By the way, scroll down in my profile if you can't see anything. My tagboard is really dying and my links are getting a little oldsome.

Do you know something? Avelene and Jonathan are the two most and only vulgar people in our group. They keep saying the four-letter words that start with "F", "S", "D", "B" and "A" . If you don't know the words I am referring to, CONGRATS! You just passed the "All Nerd Contest". Today I told them not to offend anything EXTREMELY vulgar and disgusting, but even as christians, they simply refused. Lol. Avelene is so hypocritical. She keeps saying she is an Anglican. HELLO!!! Where is her sense of Angelicness??!! Jon says everything is demonic, excuse me, if he's so "holy", how come he's so vulgar?! Lol. So stupid.

So, all those in 6/9 should watch out for these two vulgar people. Thank you for your attention.

Solemn Perfectionist rocked the house on 7:48 PM

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

My Life 1

A rare moment to write about myself. I shall cherish it..... Today, I received news that my uncle was dying of coloncancer. Yesterday, my grandma's sis died and she pulled a long face all day, before giving me a guilt-infested 10 dollar note. Hai...my family members seem to be dying one by one.

I'll be praying to God for my uncle and pray that my grandma will be convinced to follow christ before she dies...lol. I know I'm getting a little wierd. If there's a time to cherish your ancestors, it's now. Heh heh... Sorry, I get a little freaked out when it comes to deaths. I've also been forgetting to do my quiet time too and should start making an effort to remember.

Now, back to happier stuff. The 4400. I know, I know, you people are getting tired of my character bios. I don't really blame you. There are just 4 - 5 more 4400 posts to go before I start writing about some other interesting stuff. I know I can't be so rigid. My mood is really cranky right now. Save me from depression oh God. Actually, I don't know why I'm so worked up. My grandma...oh! It's my uncle. Well, he's not just any uncle. Both of our families are really close.

God knows it all and may everyone in the world seek a personal relationship with him after my rather.......theological post.

Solemn Perfectionist rocked the house on 8:39 PM

Sunday, April 16, 2006

4400 of May 2006 is Maia Rutledge (Skouris)

Congratulations. Maia is our very first 4400 of the month. Portrayed by Conchita Campbell, this pre-cognitive girl is one of the most mysterious and difficult-to-understand-and-analyse characters. Other programmes will also be implemented soon so watch out for them! Maia, being this month's topic, will have some of her actress bio shared with many of you out there.

This girl is actually just 1 year younger than most of you. (I'm referring to my classmates). She acted in Pursued, Wilder Days and Just Cause. Know those movies? I don't, but when I happen to come across them, she'll be my first character to look out for. This girl is really versatile and to check out more on Conchita Campbell, (I'm saying this cause' I'm lazy to write more...haha!), go to my links. Think this post is over? Think again! There is more below.

I'm here to make it clear that this website is more than just a place to find out about my addiction. Coming soon, will be show previews! Yes, this blog will become an online simplified storybook. This will be implemented as it has come to my attention that some people are deprived of AXN or time to watch the show. I may not have watched every show, but I'm a huge fan and have followed this series since their debut. If there is anyone in 6/9 who has watched almost all of the episodes, it's me. (Sorry to those who find me a tad complacent. Haha.) My time will be loyally devoted to this blog and all I need all of you out there to give this blog your support. Ok, I know I'm being a little over the top.

Do tag and read the entries. Remember, when you want to know the truth, you've got to take a leap of faith.

Solemn Perfectionist rocked the house on 2:05 PM

Carl Morrissey - Returnee number unknown
Abducted February, 2003
Abduction location in Seattle
Age is 36
Abilities: enchanced reflexes

He was just trying to be a good guy but he did it in the wrong way. Morrissey returned to find everything changed. The park where he would go normally with his wife was now the territory of hooligans. There was graffiti everywhere and it reeked havoc. Determined to make things right, Carl did everything he could, clean up the mess, give everything a fresh coat of paint, fix everything back to place, hoping to relieve the old times.

Well, reality check. The people he was up against were gangsters for crying out loud! Still, they were thrashed by his powers and he soon became a vigilante. His case came up when there were two men trying to rape a girl when Morrissey stopped them and gave them the beating of their lives. Tom and Diana questioned the victim who said that the man had saved her life. She also commented that the man smelt bad. Like fish. Bingo! Carl Morrissey was a supermarket clerk at the seafood counter.

His wife found out about what he did and was concerned and flustered. But Morrissey merely protested that he was making the world a better place. Wrong move. That night when he was doing his rounds in the park, he had a gang fight with an identified party. Mr Vigilante was kicking some rebellious ass until someone stabbed him on the back. Backstabber!!! Tom and Diana soon found Carl's wife and she reluctantly led them to the park just in time.............to hear Morrissey's last words.

His story is similar to other 4400s who also suffered unhappy endings. To find out more, go to my links.

Solemn Perfectionist rocked the house on 12:42 PM

Gary Navarro - Returnee number unknown
Abducted January 5, 1973
Abduction location in Atlanta
Age is 25
Abilities: Telepathy

This a boy with a promising baseball career. He started hearing thoughts when he returned and restrained himself until one day his powers were out of control and he was in a flood of thoughts. In desperation, he sought NTAC to cure him in exchange for spying on Jordan Collier's thoughts. (see post 3).

The undercover operation revealed Collier's intention to secure a possible homeland for the 4400. I know, I watched the episode. Things did not turn out perfect but better than expected. Navarro now works for the government to hear foreign officials' thoughts. I know my posts have not been feeding adequate information lately but please make do, tag and go to my links.

Solemn Perfectionist rocked the house on 12:26 PM

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Orson Bailey - Returnee number unknown
Abducted June 11, 1979
Abduction location in Tacoma
Age is 61
Abilities: telekinesis

Very sad story. When Bailey returned, he found his SUPER-OLD LAO PO suffering from Alzheimer's. Unable to return to his insurace company, Bailey was enraged and accidentally killed the boss with his powers. He first showed signs of his powers in the 4400 centre where he suffered a slight nosebleed, all this predicted by Maia. (see post 5 in April 2006). It was because of him that NTAC knew about the 4400s having powers, then trying to neutralise the effects. The plan not only backfired by allowing a small portion of them to have powers, it also caused a disease which swept the 4400. The resolution was to give the one and only antidote to Shawn Farrell. (see post 4). He healed everyone and there was a happy ending.

Back to Bailey, he resided in a hut in the middle of nowhere when he found he could not control his powers and died when he was aggravated by Diana Skouris and Tom Baldwin. (All this through a mere telekinesis)

Solemn Perfectionist rocked the house on 9:27 PM

Mary Deneville - Returnee number unknown
Abducted August 4, 1999
Abduction location in Omaha
Age is 33
Abilities: able to rejuvenate plant life

33 years was the most Deneville could live. She Deneville Flowers in Downtown Seattle and was killed instantly one day in a car bomb. The culprits - The Keating brothers, were apprehended by Tom and Diana eventually. The bomb blasts were actually aimed at all the 4400s and a couple of them died. Others, like Richard and Lily survived. (see post 6 in April 2006).

It is really pitiful that she died actually. She would make a fine addition to the main characters...............

Solemn Perfectionist rocked the house on 9:19 PM

Tess Doerner - Abductee number unknown
Abducted April 3, 1955
Abduction location in Hospital
Age is 27
Abilities: compulsion...and uh...she can do sketches that were believed to be something important (note I quoted "believed")

Sad story actually, Tess. She had a really good friend who was older than her. This friend was very protective over her and protected her no matter what. Tess actually did many sketches on machines and what parts were required to build them. She claimed that the people from the future who abducted her had told her to do so.Tess, diagnosed as a Paranoid Schizophrenic, compelled the others at the hospital to get the parts to build the machine, and in no time, the speed of progress increased due to the many people who helped. This included the patients, the doctors and even outsiders.

The machine was built in the end and Tom and Diana had to resort to doing this without their boss' approval. However, the machine did not work and Tess started cursing, shouting why had the machine not work and what did the people from the future want her to do.Truth is, Tess was influenced by the ideas of the machine through a book. Since then, Tess was still confined in the hospital and her ability of compulsion are now dormant. The machine, although did not turn out to be a conduit to the future as it was supposed to, did however release an energy pulse that awakened Kevin Burkhoff who suffered from degenerative brain disorder. Burkhoff is actually Tess' good, protective friend and eventually was a genius who came up with a cure for a disease which swept the 4400 much later. He did so by finding traces of the antidote from Isabel's blood. (Isabel is the daughter of Richard Tyler and Lily Moore), (see post 6 of April 2006).

Solemn Perfectionist rocked the house on 9:16 PM

The mark of a month's work: The 4400

Yes everyone, I have done 1 introduction and 8 character reviews of the 4400 and am taking this monthly break that is dedicated to me and only me.

First of all, I would like to back up what Beth said on her blog and agree that the world is indeed a very sick place. But what I don't agree is that it is sicker. I think it is as equally as sick as before. (Which by the way is very sick...).

Secondly, I would like to give everyone MY point of view of my group members. Samuel is an annoying boy who likes to pair people up. (Once again, sick). Christel is a choir girl, But she isn't really cheerful. Beth is very narrow-minded and very religious. She even advertises her religion on her blog. (I mean "narrow-minded" as a compliment). Jon is a vulgar/sadistic and aggressive boy who is kind of a slacker and he is proud of it. Avelene is an Anglican. (Although she is not very angelic...). She is a little vulgar. Mei Jun is another innocent one who has very...small and neat handwriting. Oh yeah, she is actually the group's stationery supplier. Clarabel likes to say vulgar hokkien words and she has changed to quite a number of CCAs.

My entry box will be dead until next month but my tagboard will be alive and kicking. So keep on tagging. Perhaps some of you will think the reason why I put my address as "4400arc" is because I'm a christian. WRONG! "arc" was a mistake. It stands for "abducted", "returned", "changed". Kind of ironic isn't it? Oh! If you are aware, you would know that this blog is NOT a group work. It is a sole work by Yours Truly. All research and personal reviews are done by me. (Although I had help getting the blog skin.). For those of you who do not have AXN, I really pity you. Oh well, maybe the show will screen on some other channel. And judging from its success, (it is the highest rated and most-watched new series premiere ever on Basic Cable network), it will probably have a movie of its own. (Hopefully).

Oh, by next month, I will be implementing new programmes in my posts, such as "4400 of the month" and stuff like that. Man, even as I'm typing this post,The 4400 is being screened on TV.

Solemn Perfectionist rocked the house on 9:19 AM


Name: --Euphoria-Devastation--
D.O.B.: --8 Jan--
Location: --Singapore--
Occupation: --Student--

School: --CCHMS--
Religion: --Christianity (Anglican)--
Church: --COGS--
Fav Show: --The 4400--

Fav Artists: --Daniel Powter, Craig Daivid, Kelly Clarkson, Marion Raven, Rihanna (lol), Maroon Five, Hoobastank, Green Day, Backstreet Boys--
Hobbies: --Watching TV, Using Com And Of Course SLEEPING--
Ambition: --Writer--
Fav Movies: --Death Note, Just Like Heaven, Harry Potter--

Fav Books: --The Privelege of Youth (Dave Pelzer), Harry Potter series (JK Rowling), Dark Matter (Matthew Reily), Scarecrow (Matthew Reily)--


Life in CCHMS is making me appreciate SHPS...I mea...
Finally, I can post an entry...Life in CCHMS is so...
We survived the bombs...XDPpl might be wondering w...
Sry I can't find a skin right now...I'm now in Tha...
Just came back from Church Camp...I wouldn't say i...
Tomorrow going for church camp... ....I have absol...
Sequel to last post:Sry. Can't find a skin. Will t...
Sry, it's been a long time since I last posted...D...
Sry haven't been using com for quite some time. My...


April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007


Abigail Sim
Caleb Goh
Ian Tan
Ian Yap
Mei Jun
Melody M.

