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Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Someone else likes Bel, and Bel likes someone else. I'm not implicated!

Today, at the Math preperatory course, I wrote on a piece of paper: " I don't like Clarabel!". Well, Sam was also really teased by Grace and Iris and in an act of "desperation", he cancelled the word "don't"! Iris and Grace got the paper and said they would show it to Clarabel. WTH! I don't know if they really did so or not, but thinking that everything was over, I went on to my Sis' birthday party. Hmm...her friends were not that uncivilised and everything, but they were kind of a bother. Well, thatwas only some of them. Most were kind of fun. And I played Stress with one of the girls, and she kept stressing me so eventually, I lost. How humiliating right? The party went on fine...until I went to my Chinese tuition which I think most of you are familiar with. I went there and while I was revising my Chinese Spelling, the door swung open and I immediately, and literally put up one fist. Clarabel was there?! She was actually from my tuition all this while, just that she was from another session. Guess what was the first word she said to me. No, it's not something intimate, it was the word, "asshole".

Ok, all because of that darn Iris and Grace. Now, my life will be miserable for the entire year. So, if Clarabel is reading this post, DON"T BELIEVE ALL THAT CRAP ON THE PAPER!!!

Solemn Perfectionist rocked the house on 7:41 PM

Monday, May 29, 2006

Boredom over Exhaustion

I keep complaining about being bored every day and think that perhaps the tight and clashing holiday schedules can wake me up. Unfortunately, right after the library project, I felt as tired as ever. I have a hunch it's Grace. No lar... Just joking. Before that, there was also the Math Preperatory course which proved to pass by very quickly. There, it was where I found out who Clarabel liked. HAHAHA! All I have to do is to announce this person's name and no one will ever make fun of me again! But then again, it might be quite bad once you think of it, anyway, people can always ask other people so I won't bother revealing who this person is.

Well, today was quite exhausting but frankly, i think I'll be able to cope tomorrow...

Solemn Perfectionist rocked the house on 7:54 PM

Sunday, May 28, 2006

The asshole side if my life is reigning. Or is it?

Ugh! Today, I was challenged with this little boy who is supposedly part of my family. He, doing his daily routine of lifting his head up in the sky and talking in a tone that emits an aura of pride, just so happens to see me. Unfortunately, murder in this world, is a crime, so all I can do is ignore him and resist the urge to slash that egoistic head out of him. Hoping that a nice PS2 game of X-Men could lift my spirits up, I walk towards the game and start it. WTH! It doesn't work?! I don't feel disappointed or anything of that sort, but I feel angry. Why? Cause it just added fuel to the inferno my little "family member" started. Now, while I'm writing this post, I come to realisation that I must be one hell of a born-goody-two-shoes to maintain my composure. The way I have written this bloody post so far is quite fine now that I think of it. Now, on to the more...contradicting side to all this.

Yesterday, my parents ACTUALLY paid attention to what I was saying and were furious at what my little "family member" who did this:

1. Jumped and stood momentarily on the sofa which my dad paid for quite a sum.

2. Imitated vulgarities that the actors in movies use.

3. (Well, he did a lot more but I figured my parents wouldn't bother that long so I decided to tell them the important things.)

Now, I don't think I have pointed this out but this little hell of anything but tranquil is my cousin. Well, his mother, is a very... lenient mother. In short, not discplinarian material. My dad was really angry at her and just when you think she's gonna make my cousin's next few years a living hell, all she does is cane him hard, impose a mere 50-cent fine, order him not to touch or look at the computer for the next short week and bane him from the television set the next time he misbehaves. That's it?! Is that even counted as some sort of mild punishment?! I was really pissed off at the fact that my cousin did not get what he deserved. Then, I thought that the upcoming movie: X-Men 3 would lift my spirits enough to leave that little inner hell into just a big inferno. But alas! (Ok, I know the word "alas" is kinda wierd.) Before the movie, there is a dinner! Well, my cousin, (I don't even think he is!) displays his ritual of childish and idiotic table manners. Now, to start off, he couln't even hold his chopsticks right. Then, after a lot more disgusting acts, he finally holds a toothpick and tries to attempt to pick his teeth. But unfortunately, all he picked was my attention and all I could reciprocate was my disgust.

The movie was quite ok. Although there were a few sexual parts that my dad told me not to watch. I met Ying Liang and some other SHPS boy in Popular shortly after. I didn't go near them. I really did not want to be identified together with someone in particular. Are you smart enough to guess who this bloody person who made, makes and will make my life miserable is?

Solemn Perfectionist rocked the house on 8:34 AM

Saturday, May 27, 2006

Today gonna watch X-Men

Yeah, gonna go soon. Today I couldn't blog much cause' I was too busy playing the X-Men game. Haha. Anyway, Caleb (Goh) kept SMSing me today and sorry, but it was a bit irritating. Worst, today I tried to call up everyone about the library project and everyone was available except Grace. Ugh! Don't know what was wrong but it was only until the evening she called back. You know, there's a reaon ehy I don't like to call my classmates, you know why? Cause' when their parents pick up the phone, they think I'm some stranger out to get their precious children. It's worse if that classmate is a girl! I called Kelly today and her father did not seem friendly. He emphasised that they were going out together as a family and he said that he was her father, For a boy, it's not that bad, but I remember Kenneth's dad mistaking me for his tuition teacher... In any case, please get all of your parents straight, I'm not some stranger out to get you guys!!!

Solemn Perfectionist rocked the house on 3:12 PM

Friday, May 26, 2006

My blood pressure shot up the moment I saw someone...

Today, Grace and I kept arguing over our library project. And well, surprisingly, our fight lasted throughout the whole day. Waliao! This cost me a game of Murderer with the others. Yesterday we played like hell (Murderer). Then, I was forced to hold Iris' hand because we all played it in some different way. Then, when we started each game, we would say, "Shit!". Then the game would commence. Today, Grace also kept saying about how I was responsible for her sorrow and everything. And well, she was angry at me for telling Joshua to be a gentleman and help Grace out a few months' ago. You see, I did not know they were Boyfriend and Girlfriend yet so I apologised to her. Err...oh yeah! Something terrible happened:

Today, I drew a picture of Grace with a halo on top of her head and Cally took the paper and drew a picture of Joshua beside her and did a heart in the middle and everything. Umm...well, sorry, but Ms Ng stumbled upon the paper and stared at the paper for a long while before saying, "It's not this class' Joshua right?". Grace said it was and Ms Ng just shook her head and chuckled. " Ayo, you are still too young!". Well, Grace kept laughing throughout the whole incident and she did not seem angry about it. Umm...well, gotta go.

Solemn Perfectionist rocked the house on 3:23 PM

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Is Ms Ng ever going to give us a break?!

Work, work, work. Is there anything else besides work in Ms Ng's mind? Seriously?

Anyway, just one more day to freedom. Well, sort of. Ugh! I'm so angry that Taylor won. Katharine has much more potential. Alright, I have to improve my blog now. So long for now. Not much to type about...

Solemn Perfectionist rocked the house on 9:08 PM

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Today was I & E carnival...

Umm...well, there was nothing to do today. Worst, the day started off with me having to wear this hideous Mufti uniform so that people will know that I represent BB in one of the stalls. After that, I went to the Hall to follow Kai to his audition. I listened to my MP3 while waiting for his turn. Err...we were not exactly allowed to see his audition, but we managed to leave the door open enough for us to take a glimpse. Then, we went to the court to play soccer against the girls. Uhh...well, Denise told us who she liked but I'm not supposed to tell you. And, while I'm on this subject, Kai told me today that Clarabel already likes someone from another class so stop talking about the both of us. Right, this will be my temporary skin for the time being, so please make do.

Solemn Perfectionist rocked the house on 8:46 PM

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Report Books are back...(Insert Jaws theme)

Before I touch on the report books and everything, I presume you already know that I changed my skin again. Uhh...sorry about my previous song...I never actually listened to the whole song before. I was too preoccupied in getting the perfect skin that I overlooked the certain vulgarity in that song.

Ok, now for some things that actually matter... For example: My humiliating results. I still can't believe I lost to Clarabel!!! And Beth too?! Actually, I think I beat Clarabel and Grace in three out of four subjects, but my Math was so low that my level and class position was lower than them. My class position is 13/43 and my level is 37/384. I deproved from last time and I still can't believe I lost to Clarabel! Anyway, you know the jokes about "Ale"? Yeah, I just remembered two that Caleb Goh told me.

1. Ale is so fat, the equator is her waistline.
2. Ale is so fat, when she stepped on the world's most durable weighing machine, it did not break. Instead, it read: "To Be continued...".

Haha. Aya, I was too embarrassed to even look at anyone when I realised my position. Especially Clarabel, and I still can't believe I lost to her! Next issue: Today I was briefed that I had to help out in the BB stall tomorrow???!!! WTH! My duty is from 9.00a.m. - 10.00a.m. I don't know if I'll be able to follow Kai to his audition. Well, anyway, I tried my best in my exams and I'll end off with this last sentence: I STILL CAN"T BELIEVE I LOST TO CLARABEL!!!

Solemn Perfectionist rocked the house on 8:47 PM

Monday, May 22, 2006

Uhh...DSA for me? Forget it!

Aya, judging from my empty co-curricular accomplishments, DSA is kind of useless for me. Anyway, I got good news. You know I signed up forthe Stanford course? After SO long, they finally replied back today in my e-mail. Best part? I've been admitted to their English course!!! Yeah!

Alright, I know Jon kept pestering me to change my skin and most of you also had trouble with my disappearing posts, so I changed my skin. Well, It was only after I changed it that I realised some narrow-minded people might mind it sadistic. Well, today, Clarabel didn't come. No! I wasn't heartbroken as most people commented! Worst of all actually, people are talking about my new girlfriend! Grace?! Ok, I've counted, people say I have four girlfriends now?! Uhh...Clarabel is still the most talked about. You know, it's really starting to piss me off you know, this infatuation thing. I mean, all the girls that people talk about already have their own beaus. Deal with it!

Next issue: Caleb Ng. I mean, today he passed off a gay comment at me. I'm sure most of you remember the time he stared at Jon and said he was hot. Uhh...I was his verbal victim today. Avelene and I pretended to puke then she said that if I wanted to puke, I should go to the toilet bowl to puke. Well, I said that she was a toilet bowl herself so I should puke on her. Haha. Ok, not so funny. Aya, PLEASE don't ask me to change my skin again Jon. It's not as easy as you think.

Solemn Perfectionist rocked the house on 6:58 PM

Sunday, May 21, 2006

What is wrong with SHPS people?

It's not like it's bad enough that people make fun of me and Clarabel, cause' seriously, someone already likes her. Now, some people talk about me and Abigail?! WTH! I mean, seriously, what would make you think that?!

Anyway, I went to church today. Caleb Goh told me some jokes. Uhh...I don't think I should use the name so deal with the following person in the joke ok? It's about how fat and old a woman named...Ale is.

1. Ale is so old, she has Adam and Eve's signatures.

2. Ale is so old, when Moses split the red sea, she was fishing at the other side.

3. Ale is so fat, when she turned around, it was her birthday.

4. Ale is so fat, she got a job in the cinema as the screen.

5. Ale is so fat, she lost in a game of Hide-And-Seek because someone spotted her behind Mount Everest.

Haha. Well, actually it's not that funny. Ok, nothing much to write.

Solemn Perfectionist rocked the house on 7:36 PM

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Aya, since you all insist, I shall delete the lyrics!

Ugh! Happy now?! Anyway, I seem to have a sudden interest in X-Men. Ever since I watched the trailer on TV, I seem to read the comic, watch the cartoon, (I know, lame right?) and play the PS2 game which by the way is quite fun. There's also this alternative in which I can play with other people. Of course, the graphics are not as nice as Kai's and only two people can play. Lol.

Aya, still got the damn math problem sums I haven't even touched yet. Clarence called me up because he did not know how to do one oft he questions. Once again, lol. And Jon, you really need to RELAX! I mean, cards are meant to be bent! This is as paronoid as you getting freaked out whenever I used the wrong side of your eraser two years ago. Now, you say you were too paronoid. Well, two years from now, you're gonna say the same thing anyway, so why not adapt that kind of thinking now?!

Ok, actually I'm looking forward to the I & E fair on Wednesday. One is to maybe see Kai's audition if he doesn't mind...and maybe the rest too. Heard there are other people going too. Actually, I contemplated signing up. Haha. No, really. But then I decided I would not get in anyway and so I should probably save the embarrasment. Haha. Well, actually my voice sucks...and perhaps my most accomplished feat in music is just carrying a tune. Well, here's a reality check: All of you might find yourselves having a great voice. But really, you just think like that cause' when you sing, you always sing to your tune. That's why it seems that your voice always seems perfect and in tune. How do I know this? Well, I have this cousin who also signed up for the audition because he THINKS he can sing. Well, trust me, he can't. He's like, as Avelene said, a Drama Mama. Haha.

Hmm...still considering actually. Well, actually it won't be embarrassing if Mrs Simon's the judge and we're gonna be the only ones in the auditioning room. Haha. Aya, don't mind me and my empty thinking. I most likely will not be going anyway cause' I HATE singing. I only considered cause' my dad urged me to. Lol. Ok, stop enquiring. (Even though you have not even started...) Aya, I know my voice sucks so DON'T ENQUIRE! Ok.

Solemn Perfectionist rocked the house on 7:17 PM

Friday, May 19, 2006

School going to end, should be shiok lar...

Waliao, today people kept making fun of me and Clarabel. WTH!!! Aya, for goodness sake lar... Anyway, Ms Ng was SO disappointed with my Math marks. Thank God got Science marks to help me. Oh yeah, we also got the DSA form. There were a lot of boys who wanted to got to Victoria Secondary. Uh...Beth will probably sign up for Tanjong Katong Girls school. Uh...from my results, maybe to get into VS quite hard. Aya, PSLE so far from now, should not stress so much yet.

Today Kai Ho also ask me to lend him my scissors so he can cut out his consent form for the SCHOOL'S MUSICAL?! I know Kai was in the choir once, so should most likely get in. I wonder if I should follow him on Wednesday and see his audition, if he doesn't mind. Then today we all played stress. Aya, I know I'm very boring so just bear with me for a little while. Ok, Jon was DAMN PISSED OFF because he was angry I bent his cards. But seriously, I don't remember bending them. Then when school reopens, I owe Roohi one match. Actually I never knew I was as fast as Kai. Well, almost lar. Maybe because I always play with the three pros: Avelene, Denise and Wei Sze. Oh yeah, got a few jokes:

Ok, today, when Ave and Denise were playing, I said that it was the war of the pros. I don't know WHAT was wrong with denise's ears, but she immediately retorted, "I'm not a prostitute!". Huh??? We all laughed at her misconception. Or did she deliberately say that? Aya, second joke: Last time, (Last term lar...Ave, I'm gonna use your joke. Hope you don't mind. Since there's no copyright I don't care.). She told us to change the first letter of our names to "P". So it's "Paniel", "Peth", "Ponathan". Then we came to Denise. Oops...Haha. Ok, so long after this lame post. And lastly, I AM NOT INFATUATED WITH CLARABEL!!!!!!!!!!

Solemn Perfectionist rocked the house on 7:03 PM

Thursday, May 18, 2006


Aya, I know that's the lame song by Aly and AJ. (Did I spell "Aly" right?) Anyway, the holidays are looming near and I have so many CLASHING schedules that I have to miss some of the stuff. Actually, I think I will find the rushing holidays shiok because I think I'm too relaxed and the thought of rushing throughout the entire holidays exciting. I'm not mad lar...

Next thing, today we had to go to the hall and were supposed to enchance our knowledge on "Energy" by the GEP pupils. Waliao, some of them were so egoistic. Umm...one was a Clarabel-look-alike. Haha. Then we went to the second station and it was more interesting. The boys kept teasing one other boy. Wait...why DO I care??? Anyway, I think their kind of like dorks because when Caleb Mah went to give a stupid answer to one of their questions, One of the GEP pupils said that we were all "oxymorons". "OXYMORONS"??!! That is SO LAME!!!

Anyway, Can't wait for my holidays. I'ts going to be SO SHIOK MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Solemn Perfectionist rocked the house on 7:55 PM

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Ok, presenting my results...

Aya, typo problem. Here are my real marks lar:

English: 86.5
Chinese: 85.5
Math: 70
Science: 96.5

Ok, stop jeering my math marks lar... Anyway, today was the 1.6 NAPFA run and I scored 3rd place. I was so happy cause' I never got good results for running before but then the Tabitha got first and Alson got second. The Tabitha lied to the teacher and said she did not win 1st place last time or something then the teacher let her go in front. Waliao, truth is that she got 1st in every race lor... WTH!

Anyway, I still managed to get 8.45s lar. I think it's because I kept running non-stop until coming to the end of the third round, then I started running again. I think Ms Ng's advice worked. Haha. After the run I had to rush to my tuition lor... So rush.

Anyway, I hope my level position can improve lar... STUPID MATHS!!!

Solemn Perfectionist rocked the house on 8:56 PM

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

The Good and The Bad

The Good:

1. Congratulations to Jon who has improved tremendously since SA1 and for receiving compliments and commendations from teachers.

2. Thank God for my Science marks (96.5%) and my "ok" Chinese (85.25%).

The Bad:

1. Ugh! Got bad marks for Math (85.25%).

2. Unlikely to get Gold for NAPFA...

Ok, this is mainly what's going on. Alright, I'm anxious for my English results because I did not get good marks so far. Unlike Jon. Jon, you're a nerd. Well, at least a bigger one than me since you beat me in almost every subject.

Ok, not much to type about actually, and please Jon, I'm not trying to be actiona and everything so don't imply so! Ok??? Got it?! Good. Congrats once again. And one more thing, cut down on your vulgarities!!!

Solemn Perfectionist rocked the house on 9:18 PM

Monday, May 15, 2006

What does Stanford's course and Bangkok have to do with each other?

They can both invite me as a visitor during the holidays! Ok, back to serious stuff. No, joking lar... Anyway, today was the SS exam and it was hard lor.... It was kind of a coincidence too when Jon and I put the exact same answer for one of the tough questions... Wait! What AM I talking about? All of the questions were hard!

Anyway, NAPFA. Here are my marks, try to lie low on the insults...

Sit-ups (A) (41)... I wanted to do more but the teacher INSISTED I should conserve my energy.

Standing Broad Jump (C) (180cm)... Waliao, I just pass lor...

Sit and Reach (B) (37)... I felt like saying "shit" cause' I was so close...

Incline pull-up (D) (14)... Ok, this is gonna cost me that Gold lor...

Shuttle Run (A) (10.36s)... Wow, first time in history for me!

Anyway, I played the guitar on Sunday. Thank God Aunty K.F. helped me. or else I think I would not have gotten through the thing alive. She also called some other guy, think he's called Nethaniel or somethin'.

Today, our SS teacher, (You-know-who), humiliated us by telling us to shout out our total marks for the newspaper work in front of the whole class... Some people were like so humiliated lor...

What IS she trying to do? She is motivating us I think...maybe...don't know lar... Thank God again I got highest in class for it. I think it's because I'm on her good side. And trust me when I say VERY few people are on her good side. What an accomplishment! Maybe I should get a medal or something... Ok, joking lar...

Solemn Perfectionist rocked the house on 7:15 PM

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Wake Me Up When September Ends

Well, that' the song I managed to put in my blog. Great, just one problem...it's just too soft! I had to turn up my speaker to Volume 4 out of 10. Anyway, managed to get three song lyrics. Enjoy yourselves!

Ok, I just finished watching "Panic Room". It's a real thriller. Don't think it's rated beyond my age though. It's not THAT violent. By the way, if you are reading this now, please turn UP your speakers and wait for the music if you have not heard it yet.

Ok, got guitar today. not so excited...I never was good at it. Haha. Gota go practise. The person-in-charge kept reminding me to practise cause' she knows I'm the least devoted one.

Alright, gotta go see your blogs now, help yourselves to the lyrics and enjoy the music. Don't forget to pray for the upcoming results. Ok, start tagging too...

Solemn Perfectionist rocked the house on 8:22 AM

Saturday, May 13, 2006

My Blog crashed yesterday and I had to start all over again...

Yup, it's true. Since I was changing my skin I thought it was only appropriate to change my address as well. Sorry lar... Anyway, Caleb (Goh of course!) kept SMSing me during my lunch to make me credit his work for the joke. (See one previous posts).

Anyway, we went to Marina Square yesterday and unfortunately, no one SMSed me to get rid of my boredome. What boredome? My sis was choosing her birthday present and she nearly took an hour. Hai...today so boring but I also have to practise. (Today I'm playing guitar...).

Okay, this blog needs some more upgrading so I'll get to work now...maybe I should get an award for being so hardworking...(just joking lar...).

Solemn Perfectionist rocked the house on 8:07 AM

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Is today the best or what?!

I went to Ben's birthday today and Justin kept insisting to watch Nickelodeon. It so happened that The Fairly Odd Parents popped out and the story was about this vain pink girl who went psycho when nobody complimented her. The guys kept saying she reminded them of Clarabel cause' she's so vain.

Anywway, we played X-Box and I kept losing just because I was a greenhorn and Kai kept winning. So I used the computer and Sanat allowed me to use his MSN account to chat with a lot of people and I chatted online for the first time. Really cool. Anyway, my mom said I can have my own MSN account after PSLE... Lol. Sean kept calling me to tell him how to make his blog. Samuel also admitted that he liked Clarabel...(Finally!!!).

Ok, I've got a lot more to say but I can't remember anything else at the moment. Sorry. But I've got a good news. I got full marks for my Science Booklet A. Praise to the Lord!!!

Solemn Perfectionist rocked the house on 7:22 PM

Wednesday, May 10, 2006


Just watched "Trouble" by Elliot Yamin on American Idol, and I gotta break it to you, he has got a lot of potential. Anyway, Jon keeps saying that the Maths exam today was a breeze...but I thought it was a killer. I just found out some of the answers and lost 6 marks just like that...

Anyway, got a joke. One day, there was a green island, in this island, there was a green house, in this green house, was a green man. One day, a woman rang the green house's doorbell while the green man was bathing. The man had no choice but to put on a towel and answer the doorbell. Unfortunately, the towel dropped the moment he opened the door. The woman screamed and ran across the road. Too bad, she was knocked down. What is the moral of the story?

The answer is : Never cross the road when the green man is flashing.

Most of you should know that "flashing" means stripping. Haha. Anyway, tomorrow is Ben's birthday. Kai's gonna bring his X-Box, which I referred to as the "magical green box". That was because I was a real nerd last year. Anyway, I kept stressing on what to get Ben but he kept protesting that he did not want anything... Good thing my dad gave me an idea on what to buy. I hope he does not already have it or his parents already bought it for him!!! I REALLY hope not.

Ok, sorry if I'm boring you but anyway, last issue: Science. Ok, pray to God. May he bless us in our exams. Ok, gotta go check out other people's blogs.

Solemn Perfectionist rocked the house on 9:05 PM

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

The Math

" If you can't do the math
Then get out of the equation
I am calling you back
This is *69
It's either a minus or a plus
Doesn't that it equal enough
If you can't do the math
Then tell me why I'm
Tell me why I'm here"

Yup, that's a song that my sister used to listen to so many times that I memorised the chorus. I don't like the artist...(Hilary Duff), but I put this song up because tomorrow is Math exam. The "math" in the song is actually infatuation chemistry. But that's not the point, Math is one of my worst subject and I'm really nervous...although I HAVE tried much harder for this time round. It would be KIND OF unfair if I don't get desirable marks...

Ok, may God bless everyone who is gonna have exams tomorrow and let him grant us widom, knowledge, and his abundant help.

Solemn Perfectionist rocked the house on 8:51 PM

Monday, May 08, 2006

Exams - Is there possibly any other academic threat?

Probably not. Tough day. The English paper was so neutral. I think I flunked my composition though because I think I was over-confident and chose the more difficult one. In the end, I used quite average vocabulary but I forgot to mention WHY the orang utan attacked the boy. I mean, how was I supposed to know that I had to include that point?! I thought people could just easily infer.

Tomorrow is MT!!! (Insert Jaw's theme...). MT is my worst subject...maybe not compo., because I scored 34 out of 40 the last time. Anyway, I am really freaked out by the thought of it. I wonder if Jon studied for it because he is not exactly good at the subject and well, he takes up all his time playing Maplestory...

Alright, may God bless everyone out there. May he grant all of us wisdom, knowledge, and his abundant help.

Solemn Perfectionist rocked the house on 9:06 PM

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Don't expect a revolutionary entry

I can't believe the insanity. Science! Is there anything in the world that is more boring?! Maybe our Science teacher but Science is still one of the worst. I have to revise my Science textbook which I already have gone through so many times I can probably ace the exam. Ok, I'm joking. Anyway, It's still so early in the morning with NO ONE online. Maybe they all went to MSN...who knows? I wish I had an MSN account...

Anyway, my cousin was playing some game last night and he kept hogging onto the computer and exceeded his time limit. Of course, he kept denying it and I shan't continue because I know you are all dying of boredome and I should not aggravate it.

Most important issue: Birthdays. I think the hospital was most busy in May because I have to attend THREE birthday parties on the 12 of May. That is of course if Ben is inviting the guys to his birthday. If he is, I hope he holds it in the morning because I have to attend my grandma's birthday for lunch and my cousins' for dinner. By the way, I managed to change the video screen to make it bigger. But it's still a little distorted...that's all I can do. Sorry, it's not as "whole" as Ben's or Ave's.

I don't feel like typing much today but I'll have you know one last thing: I'M GOING TO CHURCH TODAY!!! Start popping the champagne Caleb Goh, (if you are reading this of course...). Ok, no need for further exaggeration. (Did I spell it right?) Just celebrate!!! Oh, and study your "heart" and "soul" out.

Solemn Perfectionist rocked the house on 8:17 AM

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Today is boring but this post isn't

Ugh! I have to study some more again and it seems that the only work the adults have to do is to vote. Oh yeah, last night, my mom told me a true story. Check it out:

So anyway, her boss' mom was attending one of the talks by PAP when she enquired if the party could send someone to patrol a particular area at night as it was usually quite dark. You will never believe the guy's response..."Don't worry, we will put a lampost for you.". I mean, COME ON!!! One part of Singapore gets 10mil, another 5mil, and what do you know? Pasir Ris gets a lampost??!! What are they gonna do? Engrave her name on it???

Ok, not being biased or anything. I just found out today that Ben finally got a blog... Haha. I really want an MSN account...my mom keeps saying I'm too young... Does she know I'm a twelve year old who is born on...wait! Not supposed to reveal. But everyone should know my D.O.B. because I'm the oldest in the class. Oh yeah, my profile's a little empty so if anyone wants to have the lyrics of any song put up, just tag.

Ok, gotta go and do my work...

Solemn Perfectionist rocked the house on 11:14 AM

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Rising Tension

Ok, Jon said I should quit putting chapters in my blog so there you go. Anyway, Stress is accumulating as the exams draw nearer. Who will go home to a lousy school? Who will stay in their standards? Who will excel? Haha. Sounds like American Idol doesn't it? Ok.

Here's the joke I promised:

My tuition teacher told me what happened in the school that she used to teach in. Anyway, there was a question, it went something like this:

Mrs Lim prepared two set-ups as shown below for an iodine test...BLAH!...BLAH!...BLAH!

Why did Mrs Lim have to have the second set-up?
(Correct Answer): To have a fair comparison.
(Student's answer): She has got nothing better to do.

The teacher was so angry that she deducted a lot of marks and publicised the paper on the notice board. Ok, not very funny. Never mind. Anyway, I just watch American Idol and found out that Paris is out. Paris Bennett. Paris Hilton, was on the papers today and she said that she never knew she lived in a mansion until she went to her friend's house years later and all she could say was "Oh.". Spoilt right? Ok, next issue: I'm going to the Stanford course for English. If not, I picked Mathematics as my second choice. I only wanted to go because I want to write when I grow up. Ok?! Hope everyone will stop talking about it.

Solemn Perfectionist rocked the house on 9:01 PM

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

The Chronicles of My Life 10

Yeah! That's the new name for my life's posts. Anyway, the 4400 will be aired for a new season in about two or three months. I managed to get the spoilers. (Haha!). Some only anyway. The exams are coming soon and check this out, you know the old lady that relieved class for quite some time last year? She debuted an appearance in Kelly's blog! No way right? But she told us to work hard...wait a minute, that's what everyone says. Nevermind... Anyway, someone got FULL marks for the oral! Well, probably Sanat or Clarence. Me? Start dreaming. Haha. Ms Ng keeps saying my oral skills HEN LAN. Ok, nothing to type bout really. Alright, continue tagging and I'll include a joke in my next post. (Maybe even more...) All you gotta do is stay tuned...

Solemn Perfectionist rocked the house on 9:03 PM


Name: --Euphoria-Devastation--
D.O.B.: --8 Jan--
Location: --Singapore--
Occupation: --Student--

School: --CCHMS--
Religion: --Christianity (Anglican)--
Church: --COGS--
Fav Show: --The 4400--

Fav Artists: --Daniel Powter, Craig Daivid, Kelly Clarkson, Marion Raven, Rihanna (lol), Maroon Five, Hoobastank, Green Day, Backstreet Boys--
Hobbies: --Watching TV, Using Com And Of Course SLEEPING--
Ambition: --Writer--
Fav Movies: --Death Note, Just Like Heaven, Harry Potter--

Fav Books: --The Privelege of Youth (Dave Pelzer), Harry Potter series (JK Rowling), Dark Matter (Matthew Reily), Scarecrow (Matthew Reily)--


Life in CCHMS is making me appreciate SHPS...I mea...
Finally, I can post an entry...Life in CCHMS is so...
We survived the bombs...XDPpl might be wondering w...
Sry I can't find a skin right now...I'm now in Tha...
Just came back from Church Camp...I wouldn't say i...
Tomorrow going for church camp... ....I have absol...
Sequel to last post:Sry. Can't find a skin. Will t...
Sry, it's been a long time since I last posted...D...
Sry haven't been using com for quite some time. My...


April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007


Abigail Sim
Caleb Goh
Ian Tan
Ian Yap
Mei Jun
Melody M.

