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Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Sorry I haven't been blogging for days guys...

I have to do a lot of homework now cause' it's only like what? Three months to PSLE?! Anyway, here's a quick recap of what I've been doing for the last three days...ok, I've got nothing. Lol. Umm...let's see...I'm a monitor now...wonder how many votes I got...lol. Grace is monitress and Bel can't be cause' she's a prefect already. The Senior Perfect Prefect. Lol. I also took my weight. What the hell?!So embarrassing man. Bel SMSed me twice in class. One to criticise my weight and the other to ask if I could buy fries for her. Anyway, let's get one thing straight. I'm not heavy cause' I eat a lot, it's cause' I was born with heavy bones. My mom says it's supposed to be good when I go to army but I'm not sure why...wanna ask her? Lol.

Since I'm on that topic, my dad said that he might make it compulsory for me to join a uniform group in Sec school. WTH?! Just when I receive news that this Fri is the last parade for P6s, I get another sentence?! I mean, BB isn't bad at all. But I wanna take up a CCA that ACTUALLY can help pursue my future career. So I'm thinking Writing. Anyway, I just went to Caleb Goh's blog and he changed his skin. You guys ought to check it out.

Solemn Perfectionist rocked the house on 8:41 PM

Sunday, June 25, 2006

My sis and cousins are watching some show about a musical or somethin' now...

Aya, I got some Soundbuzz Download Card but the website keeps saying that the voucher code is invalid...STUPID!

I got a haircut too and well..never mind, you can see it for yourselves on Monday...

Solemn Perfectionist rocked the house on 7:45 PM

Friday, June 23, 2006

Umm...nothing to write lately, I know, life is so boring...

And I still haven't a clue how to go about doing my Math Tuition work! I finished sorting out all my files and worksheets in chronological order...(Don't known if spelt it correctly though...) and organised all the trash according to "Throw away" and "Kep just in case". Haha. At least I've got that to cheer me up. Best of all, I got the new bag which some of you guys might have already seen. I admit I don't really suit slingbags but I know my carrying-weight is SO much lighter now...

Solemn Perfectionist rocked the house on 9:37 AM

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Umm...today was supp...

And that stupid Bel kept calling me! In class! WTH! Aya, so irritating. Anyway, Mrs Lim allowed us to play in class after our work. FIRST TIME IN HISTORY! We all played Silent Heart Attack.

Aya, I'm still stuck in some of the Danger Room Discs in my game. They're impossible to beat! On the plus side, I managed to win all the levels in the last level and I only have 2 more impossible discs to go and one more that I can't find. Lol.

Once again, Sanat sang "My Humps". I wonder if you guys remember the time he happened to sing the song and the girls were right in front of him. Haha. How I wished I was there...no offence...

Aya, got nothing to write lar...

Solemn Perfectionist rocked the house on 7:51 PM

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Haha...I see my tagboard is quite full...thanks

Lol...anyway, about the prices, I have no clue...sorry, my powers of observation were turned off...

Haiz...I went to the Dream World yesterday and it wasn't that bad...there were some cool rides. Like one which went round very fast so much so that you would glide to your extreme sides even with the seat belt on. Another cool one was a water ride that was so wet that the water managed to jump over a five-meter wall...

I'm very happy with my buy so far ...I just bought a sweater yesterday actually so I decided to wear it to sleep cause' it was freezing. Anyway, I must say, Thailand people really listen to music after all...I could hear music everywhere! So...let the awards begin: (Drum roll please...)

Most played song: "My Humps" by BEP (This song won hands down! I can't believe it! It was literally played everywhere I went! I don't like the song though...although Pris would...she's a BEP freak...no offence...)

Worst Remix: "Numb" by Linkin Park (Ugh! It was terrible. I heard it while on the bumper cars.)

Personal favourite: "This Love" by Maroon 5 (I kinda like this song. If not, Rob Thomas comes a close second...)

Well, that's about it. I should be leaving soon for Singapore. I'm kinda lookin' forward to getting back actually...

Solemn Perfectionist rocked the house on 10:56 AM

Monday, June 19, 2006

Yesterday was so hectic...

But I managed to scrape up quite a few things...especially shirts...even at dirt cheap prices before further bargaining...

Aya, ok, something funny just happened...ok, so there was this guest who was taking the same lift as us when he pointed to my mom, me, my sis, my cousins and said "Five children?"

Haha. I know my mom looks young for a...ok, she wouldn't want me to expose her age, but it turned out the man was OBVIOUSLY joking.

Haha. Aya, today I have to go to some Dreamworld because my sis and my cousins wanted to go. SO MA FAN!

Solemn Perfectionist rocked the house on 9:31 AM

Sunday, June 18, 2006

I'm in Thailand now...

I'm in some Internet corner. I went to look for more clothes ion the Shopping Centre which my mom referred to as less nerdy...haha.

Speaking of that, I remember the graduation day for the EPGY programme. Den was there to receive her cert and I was there for mine. Clara and Bryce were there too. Then Bryce told me his sick joke only meant for boys. Say: "I never force you in Chinese...". HAHA! Did you get the joke? Nevermind if you didn't... Anyway, dsuring the cermony, did you know the MC was a boy whom all the girls were shouting for as the boy of their dreams?! He was wearing pink so Den Chia referred to him as the geek in the pink...lol...

Aya, I have to go soon. I can't stay here forever, although I must admit the prices here I really reasonable...I feel like I'm cheating them of money! Haha. I also exchanged e-mails with my friends there in EPGY...

Ok, gotta go now...

Alright, gotta go

Solemn Perfectionist rocked the house on 9:44 AM

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Aya, shit lar...

I told this person in my class that I would link her but somethin' wrong with my template so I can't do it. Anyway, here's her link: http://biteme-.blogspot.com. Alright, today I had to go though hell just to do a persuasive essay.....haiz... Aya, nothing much to write about cause' I have writer's block...

Solemn Perfectionist rocked the house on 8:37 PM

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Something terribly embarrassing happened today...

Waliao, today was so embarrassing! I was wearing this extremely loose jeane that exposed more than half of my underwear, (Thank God my shirt covered everything) when while I was walkins to the carpark, it fell! Shit! Ok, at first I thought the people would stare, but they didn't! My shirt was covering my underwear! Haha! Praise the Lord! But it was kind of embarrassing to pull up my pants from there.

Today at lunch I also chatted with Den and her two friends, who are kind of like my friends now too... They are Bryce and Clara. Bryce is 10 and Clara is 11...I think. Or is she 10? Aya, how can I remember?! Anyway, we played Stress and Truth or Dare. I mostly picked Truth cause' I have nothing to hide. But Den kept choosing Dare, and I often dared her to go and hug another boy or declare her 'love' for some boy in her class. Haha.

Alright. Guess what? I did it! I finally finished my literary analysis! Here it is:

“Literary analysis on ‘The Scarlet Ibis’” by Daniel

This is a literary analysis on “The Scarlet Ibis”. The story is written by James Hurst, who uses symbols in his story. Hurst mentions the story’s symbols, the specific year the story took place, the primary symbol’s and Doodle’s physical and spiritual similarities. Hurst also makes the story most captivating with his ingenious use of interior monologue.

A symbol, in its basic sense, is a representational token for a concept or quantity. In the story, Hurst uses the Scarlet Ibis as the primary symbol to represent Doodle. The Ibis, being in the story, creates a melancholic mood as it is similar to Doodle in terms of his spirit. Having the Scarlet Ibis as the primary symbol in the story is important as it emphasizes on the kind of feeling that the writer is trying to convey through his work. They also enhance the degree of emotions the characters may have. Symbols are also important due to the fact that they both represent the spirit of a character, which in this case, is Doodle, as mentioned earlier. With the striking resemblance of Doodle and the Scarlet Ibis, readers are more likely to feel the sympathy behind the story, which is very important as that, is mainly what Hurst is trying to do, to touch the hearts of his readers. This makes it important to consider the symbols while reading.

Another reason why to consider the symbols while reading is because the symbols usually hint out a certain type of omen that predicts what is going to happen next. For example, the Scarlet Ibis died near the bleeding tree and was buried beneath it. The bleeding tree is a theological sign that Christians take as the death of Jesus Christ. Another example is taken from the start of the story, when Hurst quotes, “The last graveyard flowers were blooming, and their smell drifted across the cotton field and through every room of our house, speaking softly the names of our dead.” This sentence emits an eerie emotion that clearly is a sign that death would be drawing near, or it already had happened.

To add on to the symbols that Hurst included in the story, Hurst also set the story in 1918 as that was when many disasters struck. For example, the World War, the drought and the storm all took place at that time. Hurst explained that Doodle’s and his brother’s struggle resembles on a minute, personal scale, the Great War. This is because both situations are caused due to the desire to transform others to one’s own image.

Doodle and the Scarlet Ibis have a lot of many other things in common. This can be ascertained through how they react to certain situations like death and difficulty. One example is their death position. The writer quotes, “Its (the Scarlet Ibis) long, graceful neck jerked twice into an S, then straightened out, and the bird was still.” He also quotes later, “He (Doodle) lay very awkwardly with his head thrown far back, making his vermilion neck appear unusually long and slim.” These two quotes show their physical similarity.

Their spiritual similarity, which is both of them having the courage and determination to accomplish their goals no matter how difficult it may be, is also stated in the passage. They are quoted as “At that moment the bird (the Scarlet ibis) began to flutter, but the wings were uncoordinated, and amid much flapping and a spray of feathers, it tumbled down, bumping through the limbs of the bleeding tree, and landing at our feet with a thud”, and “Trembling, he’d (Doodle) push himself up, first turning red, then a soft purple, and finally collapse back onto the bed like an old worn-out-doll.”. The two also felt similarly when their death was near. To prove this, Hurst mentioned in his story, “‘It (the Scarlet Ibis) looks tired,’ Daddy added. ‘Or maybe sick’” and “Doodle was both tired and frightened.”

“The Scarlet Ibis” is a fantastic story which not only uses symbols to represent one of the characters (Doodle), but it also is written in such a way that the readers can deeply understand how both parties, Doodle and his brother felt, despite the fact that the story is a 1st person narrative. This is due to the ingenious use of interior monologue. For example, we can tell how the writer about that his five-year old brother not being able to walk because of the quote “I was embarrassed at having a brother of that age who couldn’t walk…” This use of interior monologue really helps the readers to get into the characters’ heads and understand their emotions and the reasons that drive them.

The story also concludes with an excellent statement that, as Hurst added, is something like a classic cry of all mankind wishing to belong and never to be lonely. This, the similarities between the Ibis and Doodle, the perfect year for this story to take place, the secondary symbols in the story and the use of interior monologue are what make “The Scarlet Ibis” worth reading.

(End of essay) PLease give your comments on this and my other essays. Thank you guys.

Solemn Perfectionist rocked the house on 5:48 PM

Hey guys, what's up...

Aya, because I'm going to Bangkok, I can't attend Den's party. Anyway, today my pants were so loose, more than half of my underwear was showing. Thank God I was wearing a big shirt that covered everything. Ok, I'm sorry cause' all of you find my previous joke disgusting. I am TRULY sorry. In any case, I am done with my final draft for my first literary anlaysis. (Insert applause). I'll show it to you guys it just a short while.

Earlier today, while Den, Bryce (her classmate), Clara (her classmate, and me were eating lunch, I was telling Den about what Ave put on her blog. Waliao! She went to call Ave up and apologised. Ok, that's not a crime, but she sdaid that I told her about it! I don't know if Ave is angry with me right now, but I am once again very sorry. I thought it was ok since Den's her friend. So you're (Ave) not pissed off or anything right?

Ok, here's my literary analysis, I hope you enjoy it. Please comment on all of my essays. Thank you:

“Literary analysis on ‘The Scarlet Ibis’” by Daniel

This is a literary analysis on “The Scarlet Ibis”. The story is written by James Hurst, who uses symbols in his story. Hurst mentions the story’s symbols, the specific year the story took place, the primary symbol’s and Doodle’s physical and spiritual similarities. Hurst also makes the story most captivating with his ingenious use of interior monologue.

A symbol, in its basic sense, is a representational token for a concept or quantity. In the story, Hurst uses the Scarlet Ibis as the primary symbol to represent Doodle. The Ibis, being in the story, creates a melancholic mood as it is similar to Doodle in terms of his spirit. Having the Scarlet Ibis as the primary symbol in the story is important as it emphasizes on the kind of feeling that the writer is trying to convey through his work. They also enhance the degree of emotions the characters may have. Symbols are also important due to the fact that they both represent the spirit of a character, which in this case, is Doodle, as mentioned earlier. With the striking resemblance of Doodle and the Scarlet Ibis, readers are more likely to feel the sympathy behind the story, which is very important as that, is mainly what Hurst is trying to do, to touch the hearts of his readers. This makes it important to consider the symbols while reading.

Another reason why to consider the symbols while reading is because the symbols usually hint out a certain type of omen that predicts what is going to happen next. For example, the Scarlet Ibis died near the bleeding tree and was buried beneath it. The bleeding tree is a theological sign that Christians take as the death of Jesus Christ. Another example is taken from the start of the story, when Hurst quotes, “The last graveyard flowers were blooming, and their smell drifted across the cotton field and through every room of our house, speaking softly the names of our dead.” This sentence emits an eerie emotion that clearly is a sign that death would be drawing near, or it already had happened.

To add on to the symbols that Hurst included in the story, Hurst also set the story in 1918 as that was when many disasters struck. For example, the World War, the drought and the storm all took place at that time. Hurst explained that Doodle’s and his brother’s struggle resembles on a minute, personal scale, the Great War. This is because both situations are caused due to the desire to transform others to one’s own image.

Doodle and the Scarlet Ibis have a lot of many other things in common. This can be ascertained through how they react to certain situations like death and difficulty. One example is their death position. The writer quotes, “Its (the Scarlet Ibis) long, graceful neck jerked twice into an S, then straightened out, and the bird was still.” He also quotes later, “He (Doodle) lay very awkwardly with his head thrown far back, making his vermilion neck appear unusually long and slim.” These two quotes show their physical similarity.

Their spiritual similarity, which is both of them having the courage and determination to accomplish their goals no matter how difficult it may be, is also stated in the passage. They are quoted as “At that moment the bird (the Scarlet ibis) began to flutter, but the wings were uncoordinated, and amid much flapping and a spray of feathers, it tumbled down, bumping through the limbs of the bleeding tree, and landing at our feet with a thud”, and “Trembling, he’d (Doodle) push himself up, first turning red, then a soft purple, and finally collapse back onto the bed like an old worn-out-doll.”. The two also felt similarly when their death was near. To prove this, Hurst mentioned in his story, “‘It (the Scarlet Ibis) looks tired,’ Daddy added. ‘Or maybe sick’” and “Doodle was both tired and frightened.”

“The Scarlet Ibis” is a fantastic story which not only uses symbols to represent one of the characters (Doodle), but it also is written in such a way that the readers can deeply understand how both parties, Doodle and his brother felt, despite the fact that the story is a 1st person narrative. This is due to the ingenious use of interior monologue. For example, we can tell how the writer about that his five-year old brother not being able to walk because of the quote “I was embarrassed at having a brother of that age who couldn’t walk…” This use of interior monologue really helps the readers to get into the characters’ heads and understand their emotions and the reasons that drive them.

The story also concludes with an excellent statement that, as Hurst added, is something like a classic cry of all mankind wishing to belong and never to be lonely. This, the similarities between the Ibis and Doodle, the perfect year for this story to take place, the secondary symbols in the story and the use of interior monologue are what make “The Scarlet Ibis” worth reading.

Solemn Perfectionist rocked the house on 2:28 PM

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Yo everyone, got a joke for you all...

This is a true story actually. Two of the teens who went to Vietnam from our church arrived at a restaurant and realised that they were short of a fork. So one of them asked the waiter, "Can I have a fork?". The waiter, being from Cambodia, could not speak good English, so he repied, "You wanna fuck?".

OMG right?! Haha. Please comment on my essays.

Solemn Perfectionist rocked the house on 3:03 PM

Friday, June 09, 2006

Today was an...amusing day

Today, while I was having lunch with Denise and her two other friends in the Math course...ok, here's what happened, it was kinda sick... :

The four of us went for lunch. It was, as usual, catering, so we could take as much as we like. Ok, so Denise took A LOT of food and I was shocked, because as we all know, she is as skinny as a skeleton. She explained that her metabolism rate was very high or somethin' so that's why she could eat so much food and never go fat. Anyway, that is not part of the joke so let me carry on. We all sat down and for some reason, I had to get up, which I did and all the UNO cards in my pocket that Denise passed to me had dropped all over the floor. We went to pick the cards up when Denise suddenly screamed. "My skirt is wet!!!" She exclaimed. Then, as we all sat down for a few more minutes, Denise screamed again. This time, she did not tell us what had happened, but went to the mini-waterfall which was right behind her. She went to wash her hands when she suddenly screamed one more time. That's three times already right?

All this was followed by Denise's loud scream of the "F" word. Everyone stopped and stared as she got up and started crying very badly. "Could someone PLEASE accompany me to the bathroom. Out of the four of us, only two were girls, so the girl went to bring Denise to the bathroom as the other two of us ate out food. When the girls returned, Denise looked much better. She sat down and announced, "Umm...I'm gonna confess something... I'm afraid of spiders since young and there was a spider on my leg just now and a spider web in the waterfall. Upon hearing this, only I screamed with laughter. Everyone stared at me and probably thought I was crazy. In a weak voice, I said, " I thought you were having your period for the first time.". You see, I thought she was bleeding when she went to pick the cards, she screamed when she was eating because she realised what had happened, and she realised she had blood on her hands when she washed them.

Denise stared at me in shock. "SICK!" she screamed as she started hitting me. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!

Ok, next joke is from my dad. He was telling me about this girl who went to Cambodia and made some new friends. She and this friend were such good friends that they decided to exchange phone numbers. So the friend said that he would call her and they would have each other's numbers. The girl agreed and so the friend called her on the spot. The girl's phone rang all of a sudden and she immediately exclaimed, "Huzzat, Huzzat?". She took her phone up and said, "Who could that be?". She put the phone and said loudly, "Hello?!". Ok, it's not that funny. But I actually discovered that the people who went to Cambodia made new friends there...

Alright, my dad told me another joke, but I'm not supposed to tell you guys cause' it has got the "F" word in it...

Solemn Perfectionist rocked the house on 8:01 PM

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Nothing much happened today.

I got new jeans and new shirts. By the way, here is my second final draft essay (It's only partially true though. And it's a little 'action' caus' it's supposed to be like that...) :

"Bullying other children and more" by Daniel

It was somewhere in 1999. I was brought up by parents who, although were strict with children, were people who did not hold their children from expressing themselves. This was a grave mistake as I did whatever I deemed right for myself.

I was only five years old that year. My academic results may have been satisfactory, but my handwriting was not. This flaw of mine seemed to be insignificant at first, until one day I took my spelling test. As the teacher invigilated the class, she patrolled the classroom and happened to glance at what I had written. She ordered me to rewrite everything, but being one who gave in to emotions rather than authority, I simply gave her the most menacing stare I could and refused to do as she instructed.

The teacher was infuriated and informed my parents of this rebellion in the classroom. My parents were extremely angry with me upon hearing the news and punished me severely. However, it turned out that the punishment was nothing compared to how firmly my personal emotions stood. This was ascertained, when I felt incredibly bored while one of the teachers was talking in the classroom. Suddenly having a burning urge to attract attention and put a cease to the teacher's indirect lullaby, I grabbed the ponytail of the girl right in front of me and gave it a hard tug. The girl, being someone of a mere age of five, screamed and everyone stared. The teacher glared at me and made sure the news reached my parents, who spared no strength in making sure I got all the physical punishment I deserved. They also instructed me to apologize to both the female victim and the teacher.

I did according to my parents' instructions and the teacher seemed slightly more light-hearted to me than the day before. Since then, I restricted myself from pulling any more funny pranks. I became the teachers' pet. I found this at first very good, considering the fact that I did not really get into trouble because the teachers tended to take slight favouritism. This thinking of mine lasted until last year, when I realized that such a role as the teacher's centre of attention is actually stifling. This kind of people can be referred to as "Goody-Two-Shoes". I found this out while having a certain classmate who sucked up to the teacher and found that lessons were parts of a deadly serious business. When I first saw that classmate, I turned to my friend, Riya, who was sitting beside me and commented, "That girl is such a nerd.". My friend took a quick glance at me and said, "So are you.".

I shuddered at what Riya said. I thought about it for a while and decided it was high time not to try to be someone I wasn't by nature, but someone who has a healthy balance between good impressions and bad ones. I was determined not to try to outdo other pupils in terms of displaying good initiative skills in class, but at the same time, leave a good impression on the teacher.

As I was thinking about all this, Riya turned around and asked the girl beside me, "Do you listen to muisc?". The girl shook her head but I spoke up and declared, "I do, do you know Green Day?". Riya immediately responded to my question. "Yes," she said. "I love 'Boulevard of Broken Dreams'.". I nodded in agreement with her taste and asked again, "Do you like 'Wake me up when September Ends'?". Riya nodded her head once more and added, " Yes, that's a slow song.".

At that moment, the teacher glared at us for talking too much. I retreated back into my own solitary world and remained subdued while the teacher continued the lesson. That was why I should not just completely be a class rebel. I needed to learn to at least restrict myself enough to still be on the teacher's good side. Now, I am more outgoing and have made more friends than before. I cannot help feeling that I have been emancipated somehow by the grasp of my over-obsession to be some kind of "Goody-Two-Shoes". I feel this is all for the better for me.

(End of essay). Ok how was it?

Solemn Perfectionist rocked the house on 7:55 PM

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Waliao, you guys think I'm a nerd? Wait till you see my EPGY classmates!

They are all from GEP. But that's not why they are nerds. They are...study freaks. They are...teacher's pets. They are...nerds. I can't stand them! Of course, most of them are ok. Haha. Only some of them are stifling. I warched CSI last night, which was actually kind of interesting. Haiz... Today we did a lot of writing and I wrote my second rough draft. By the way, how was my first final draft? It can be found in my previous post. Go and take a look and comment. Anyway, I decided that I will only show you guys my second final draft when I get it done.

Aya, not much to write about because my mind is too pre-occupied with a worry of a potential unacceptable content in my second rough draft...

Solemn Perfectionist rocked the house on 7:53 PM

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Prepare for the longest entry in the world...

Today, I went to the Stanford course again. WTH! Bel kept SMSing me while I was in the Study Hall. Denise and I lied to the other students that we were cousins... Haha. Anyway, here are some innocent prayers made by children. It's kinda funny. Take a look:

1. Dear God, are you really invisible, or is it just a trick?
2. Dear God, I want to just be like my daddy when I grow up but not with so much hair all over.
3. Dear God, instead of letting people die and having to make new ones, why don't you just keep the ones you've got now?
4. Dear God, I went to this wedding and they kissed right in church. Is that ok?
5. Dear God, I'm American, what are you?
6. Dear God, I bet it's hard for you to love everyone in the world. There are only four people in my family and I can never do it.
7. Dear God, thank you for the baby brother, but what I prayed for was a puppy.
8. Dear God, if you watch in church on Sunday, i will show you my new shoes.
9. Dear God, We read in school that Thomas Edison made the light, but in the bible it says you did it so I bet he stole your idea.
10. Dear God, Maybe Cain wouldn't have killed Abel if they had their own rooms. It works with my brother.

Haha. Yesterday there was also something printed on someone's shirt that I find kind of amusin. Here it is: We developed language because of our deep inner need to complain. (At the back, it was printed:) Complain, complain, complain, complain, complain. Haha.

Hey, did I tell you I wrote my first essay yesterday? Here's my final draft:

“Music” by Daniel

Music is my desire. The flaring hair of an artist when he or she performs in a video. The strong vibe that is emitted from the guitar when the guitarist slams the pick on the strings. The ingenious rhythm of the drums when the sticks land on the hollow structures. The voice of the artist. Be it soothing or powerful. I love it all. Nothing can move my passion, my addiction, my crave for music.

My preference, when it comes to music is usually already standardised. I go for music that involves Rock or Pop. Artists that fall in these categories are artists like Green Day, Kelly Clarkson, etc. Rap goes well with my preference as well. Artists like Fort Minor make Rap music. I like music because it is one of my major recreational dependences. The first automatic thing I do when I step into my room is to turn on the radio. I started listening to music last year, so I am more well-versed with that kind of range.

My parents were doubtful of some songs at first. For example, some Eminem songs have crude and vulgar influence. However, now they trust that I am careful and mature enough to choose the songs I listen to carefully. I have always stood by a belief that music is not something that always provides bad influences, but instead, is a philosophy of life as everyone listens to music in their lives. The music they listen to can be something from the Billboard charts, or just something like an anthem or a lullaby.

People even from the earliest of times listened to music. It is just that different genres, such as Rock and Pop were found and different styles were formed. Basically, artists from the music industry today and the ones from the past have one thing in common despite the vast contradiction of the types of music they make. They all want their voice heard. Perhaps not verbally, but definitely vocally.

Different genres usually sound differently to appeal to people with different personalities. This is what makes music so versatile. For example, Rock and Pop music full of angst that artists convey through putting in a lot of energy in their vocal chords are to appeal to youngsters or teenagers. Classical music that has soothing tunes is aimed at people who prefer a quiet and peaceful ambience to a loud and noisy one. The many different genres of music can be listed as Rock, Pop, Classical, Jazz, Blues, etc. These different genres are meant to be appreciated by different types of people with different personalities and not just age or preference of ambience. For example, extroverts tend to appreciate Rock and Pop music more, whereas on the other hand, introverts tend to be drawn to Classical music more. This is what draws me to music. It is the fact that the inventors of different genres know what different types of people want, so they put in all their heart and soul until they get something that really appeals to people.

Music can be identified through the type of song is being played. People have their own ways to identify genres. I however, identify hard-core or fast-beat songs as Rock or Pop music. These songs usually have their singers singing loudly and with more energy, getting the listeners to feel the strong essence of the vibe. Classical music, however, in my opinion, is identified through the fact that such songs usually have soothing and slow melodies that usually helps to ease one’s tension. Rap, however, is identified through the rapper’s voice. A rap is just like singing except that the words sound more like talking. Raps usually sound like a song sang by a rebel in a sense that there is a prominent feeling of that kind of emotion whenever such a song is being played.

Listening to music has its own effects, be it good or bad. Good effects usually fall under Classical music which can help ease one’s mind and soothe one’s anger, bringing one to a world full of angelic possibilities. However, bad effects are also existent in certain types of music. Songs that promote dark and sadistic themes can influence people who are not mature enough to handle that kind of music.

Generally, listening to music is my most favourite activity. I think, personally, it helps balance both my sides of work and recreation. I simply love music. After all, music is my passion. Music is my addiction. I crave for music whenever I am bored. Whenever I step into my room, feeling somewhat lacking inside, I turn to the radio.

(End of essay). And that's why this is the longest post in the world...

Solemn Perfectionist rocked the house on 7:42 PM

Monday, June 05, 2006

This is gonna be a long but content-satisfying post.

Today was my first day in the EPGY program. I think I'm the only 12-year old there cause' there were other children who were really short, shorter than Kai. (No offence). Anyway, the teacher spoke in an American accent which I didn't mind. It's just that she was so boring that I nearly fell asleep. We did a lot of writing and I chose to write about music. How I came upon it and the different influences it may have on its listeners. All original opinions. Haha. Denise however, was doing worse. She attended the Math course. Her classmate said that the class took three hours to answer two questions?! WTH?!

She made a new friend. Unlike me. I'm starting to think I really am a loner... In fact, actually, it was the quietest lesson I have ever attended in my life! After three hours, we had our lunch break which they gave one whole hour for. There was catering. Most of the food was Western. The lunch was a perfect chance for me to reply Caleb (Goh), who SMSed me during the lesson. Anyway, I saw something extremely disgusting in the toilet so those of you who are very narrow-minded ahould not continue reading. Especially the girls. Ok, I saw something in one of the cubicles. Readers beware! It was pubic hair! My God. Ok, not supposed to misuse God's name. But it was really sick. Actually, I thought it could have been mine so I decided not to tell anyone. Haha. Ok, those of you who feel like puking, don't do so here. Your parents might kill you for making such a mess.

Denise's classmate thought we were siblings?! WTH! Anyway, I was so exasperated after the course that I instantly fell asleep in the car as my mom drove me to my tuition. See?! Tuition after the six-hour course. Don't know if you find that tiring but I'm not used to it so I was very lethargic. Ugh! I woke up quickly in the tuition. There was this boy who made very disgusting sexual jokes. They were sort of funny, but very sick.

Ok, gotta go now.

Solemn Perfectionist rocked the house on 8:41 PM

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Yo guys. Went to Hwa Chong J.C.

The place was so big. My parents kinda got lost. I was there for the Stanford briefing. Well, my parents felt sorry for Denise because her parents forced her to take up the Math course. She aggravated the feeling with her glum face that just froze there throughout the whole thing, which by the way, lasted for a mere half an hour.

Ok, I recently checked out the 4400 website and it really has grown. There are a few activites there, but most attactive, the quiz which tells you what kind of power you will probably get if you ever get abducted. The quiz goes by your personality. I got most of them a mind-control ability, which is actually Isabelle's ability. But there were some occasions when I got the life manipulation ability, which is Shawn's ability. Haha. It's quite addictive. Here's the link: http://www.usanetwork.com/series/the4400/games/profiler/ . Ok, go on and try it. I promise you you won't regret it.

Solemn Perfectionist rocked the house on 8:10 PM

We came out of the war victorious

Our fight took place first on Friday. We attacked Heeren. We came out, feeling that the trip their was not fruitful. But at least we snagged a consolation prize. Saturday, (yesterday) we came face to face with a new person. Someone who is either our foe...or friend. Turns out she was more of a friend. Finally, later that day, we continued the battle...all the way to view a repeat of a match in this big place called, the cinema. We went wiht troops from the organisation called the Y.E. We went in and came out. Then, we went back to camp, feeling that victory had been on our side.

Haha. How's that kind of interpretation? What I'm trying to say is I bought somethin' from The Heeren, met my new tuition teacher and watched X-Men 3 again with the Y.E. They came fresh out from kayaking in East Coast Park actually. The movie was equally as great despite the fact I watched it again. Ok. Not much to write about.

Solemn Perfectionist rocked the house on 9:51 AM

Friday, June 02, 2006

I haven't been blogging for quite some time now...

But there is a lot of stuff going on. Firstly, I'm really excited about the Stanford course because I want to be a writer when I grow up and it is an excellent opportunity to hone my skills...well, if I have any. Ms Ng has been complimenting my compositions and I take that as a motivation.

Next issue, my tuition. WTH! I have to squeeze all my lessons next week. Ok, it's not much of a bother, but the real problem is that I have to go to her house which is actually quite a distance from her. Oh yeah, did I mention what happened during the last Math course? Let me enlighten you:

Firstly, I played Stress in the classroom. And well, Sam said if I lost, I liked Clarabel. Ok, it was a little childish but I did not retaliate verbally back because I was winning. I was so excited when the girl suddenly said, "STRESS!". I stood there, melancholic. Haha. No lar...not that serious. But the game had progressed for a rather long period of time and the decks were almost at their peaks. I lost tragically. But hey, all bad things will come to an end. Haha. The point is, I won a few more games with the others...even Denise?! No lar, I'm not that pro. I won because she took 2/3 of the deck but I only took 1/3. This was an agreement cause'...she is clearly one of those best guys (or girls I guess...), together with W.S., Avelene, Sean...Jon maybe (?), who are pros in Stress. Ok, not much to write about. Shan't bore you guys any further... But just so you guys know, there's this guy in my links, Caleb Goh. Yeah, go to his blog...and save his tagboard...Thanks.

Solemn Perfectionist rocked the house on 11:05 AM


Name: --Euphoria-Devastation--
D.O.B.: --8 Jan--
Location: --Singapore--
Occupation: --Student--

School: --CCHMS--
Religion: --Christianity (Anglican)--
Church: --COGS--
Fav Show: --The 4400--

Fav Artists: --Daniel Powter, Craig Daivid, Kelly Clarkson, Marion Raven, Rihanna (lol), Maroon Five, Hoobastank, Green Day, Backstreet Boys--
Hobbies: --Watching TV, Using Com And Of Course SLEEPING--
Ambition: --Writer--
Fav Movies: --Death Note, Just Like Heaven, Harry Potter--

Fav Books: --The Privelege of Youth (Dave Pelzer), Harry Potter series (JK Rowling), Dark Matter (Matthew Reily), Scarecrow (Matthew Reily)--


Life in CCHMS is making me appreciate SHPS...I mea...
Finally, I can post an entry...Life in CCHMS is so...
We survived the bombs...XDPpl might be wondering w...
Sry I can't find a skin right now...I'm now in Tha...
Just came back from Church Camp...I wouldn't say i...
Tomorrow going for church camp... ....I have absol...
Sequel to last post:Sry. Can't find a skin. Will t...
Sry, it's been a long time since I last posted...D...
Sry haven't been using com for quite some time. My...


April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007


Abigail Sim
Caleb Goh
Ian Tan
Ian Yap
Mei Jun
Melody M.

