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Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Some asshole wrote that!!!

You think tt's bad news?! Mark told his classmates my number and I got spammed by a whole class of gays. This is ridiculous. Even as I am talking now, Jon is moving my bag away.

UGH! Last week I got banned from com because my dad was angry that I off the main switch while my aunt was doing her work in the end and she lost all her data, Hours of work gone to waste.

I even posted an entry but something was wrong with blogger and the page could not be displayed...

Solemn Perfectionist rocked the house on 3:19 PM

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Finally, a tiome to post an entry: in the com lab

I think from now on I can post an entry every Wed cause' of Mr Aidil's com session lol.

I am now sitting with Sam behind me which I really don't mind but i have Michael in front which I really can't stand. But I feel the most sorry for Jon. He's sitting beside Joshua!!! Oh the horror!!! lol

Tuition was yesterday again. And you know what? I didn't do my science hw. So I rushed though it. two whole papers and one booklet A in two hours. It was hell really. Oh, since I am going to this tuition five times a week, twelve hours altogether, maybe I should fill you in on the smart ppl. There is one for each subject. Ok, so there is Tze Yang who is a Math genius. I think he is better in Math than any of us in any subject. He is incredible. I think he could get highest in Singapore for Maths PSLE...really! Then for Sci there is a nerd called Edwin. This is a real nerd who refuses to tuck out his shirt. Completely unlike me I can assure you cause' I like a wear extremely baggy shirts that belong to adults lol. I like to tuck them out and leave them dangling like an Ah-Pei lol!

I THINK I am best in English for the class. Hope so. Haha.

Ok, now i gtg to make full use of my com time.

Solemn Perfectionist rocked the house on 8:04 AM

Sunday, September 17, 2006

So Taokay means rich guy. Yuan Lai Ru ci

Yesterday was my tuition. Again. This tuition requires me to attend it five times a week when exams are drawing near. What?! Anyway, the teacher says that she gives so many lessons because she thinks that we need the help the most. Something like we were the worst batch of P6s she has ever had for 35 years. LOL!Anyway, yesterday I managed to learn how to get songs in my phone. So when we got our twenty-minute break, I started playing songs. I also sent some of them to Claudia through Bluetooth. Oh yeah, Claudia is one of my tuition classmates in case you were wondering.

Can you believe it?! There are actually people in this world who do not know what a chee kueh is! I can't believe it! They were wondering...what is that? Cause' we had that during our break provided by the tuition teacher. Lol.

Alright. Hope you guys will tag.

Solemn Perfectionist rocked the house on 12:30 PM

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Sorry I haven't been posting lately...

I cannnot use the com on weekdays from now on because of my results...haiz... ...

I still hope that you guys will tag...

I dunno what to write about... sorry...

Solemn Perfectionist rocked the house on 9:10 AM

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

I got a new handphone!!!

Yeah and I only JUST found out that it's 3G...lol! Ok...nothing to write about... Oh yeah, I heard "Unfaithful" by Rihanaa (dunno how to spell...) a long time ago but only started really appreciating it a few days ago. It's a very good song...really...

Solemn Perfectionist rocked the house on 9:09 PM

Monday, September 11, 2006

The countdown to PSLE begins today... ...

It's a scary thought really... anyway, today it appears that my leg was bleeding and I only found out two hours later...you see, I was scratching my leg and I did not think anything bad was gonna happen but I guess I was wrong... ...lol

We stayed back for Supp and went to the com lab and I was pathetic ion typing my class pub...lol! I took forever just to type out page... So Jon took pity and typed for me... I wonder if you have seen Jon type... He plays com for 16h on certain holidays! Anyway, while he was typing, I was reminded of Denise. No, not Denise as in Den but Denise as in my EPGY friend. She is supposed to be one of the smartest GEP pupils in Tao Nan and she is an amazing typer!

In fact, whenever I have to wait for an available com in the EPGY course, I always sit near her so that I can get it sooner than the rest because she is capable of finishing making AND typing a super-long essay (We have to do SUPER LONG ESSAYS in the course...) in 40min.!!! OMG!!!

Ok nothing else to write about...something wrong with my MSN... have this troubleshooting...

Solemn Perfectionist rocked the house on 9:18 PM

Sunday, September 10, 2006

I am on MSN and I just found out that the compo I am supposed to do must be done on the com!

Ok, Clarence just smsed me and said it's ok to do it on the com...phew...

Haiz... PSLE is only a few weeks away and it's amazing how time can really fly...

Alright...gtg... ...

Solemn Perfectionist rocked the house on 9:14 PM

Friday, September 08, 2006

Somehting bad cropped up last night... ...

Bel smsed me, saying that she thinks that I sent her the wrong sms...

Ok,, I asked her which sms it was cause' I sent her two that day.

She tells me if I want her to forward it to me...So I waited (More like using the computer actually) until she smsed me...

What?! The msg was that I loved her... ...


Suspects:My tuition friend Claudia

My siblings trying to play a prank

Someone in class...It all depends on when the sms was sent. If it was during school, then it's one of YOU! If it was between 5 to 7pm, it's probably CLAUDIA! If it's any other time.. ...then it must be one
of them...

Solemn Perfectionist rocked the house on 9:15 AM

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Aya shit today Mr Soong hogged the Com Lab so we could not go.

I need to use the com in the lab to rewrite my autoboigraphy cause' I am too lazy to do it on Microsoft Word or write it on paper... ...

Haiz...nothing to write...just so boring... ...

You know, until today, I forgot that it's actually a holiday...lol

Solemn Perfectionist rocked the house on 8:58 PM

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Today a lot of people were posting entries in the com lab...lol

Haiz...nothing to write about actually... ...still go the stupid Autobio to do... ... Ok...that's about it...gotta go back to msn.......

Solemn Perfectionist rocked the house on 9:08 PM

Monday, September 04, 2006

I just came back from the movies... ...

Yeah exam coming still going for all these movies... ... Walau...Saturday Bel, Kai, Ben, Joce and me went to watch "Monster House"...then testerday my family and I watched "Akeelah and the Bee". Then today again watch another movie..."The Devil wears Prada".

It was a little funny larh... ...Anne Hatheway did not do too bad a job...lol. Meryl Streep's acting was quite good...

Haiz...after the movie Mj had to go home...so there was Jon, Ben, Ave and me. We played a lot of "Indoor Hockey"...you know the one in the arcades? Then we were like wandering around...wondering where we should go... ... Finally we went to take some neoprints and then we had some photos but everyone so rush then everything turned out so bad... ...lol...

Aya, nvm. Anyway at least I know what it really is all about. You have to press something on the screen and then you start picking a theme... ...then photos will be taken when you are least prepared...lol the camera started when Ave was still tying her hair... ...

Ok...nothing to write about larh... ...

Solemn Perfectionist rocked the house on 8:58 PM

Sunday, September 03, 2006

I just came back from tuition... ...

And it was terrible...I don't wanna talk about it... ...but I can mention this guy named Mark. He is really smart... ... His Compre skills very pro... ....

Anw, we just exchanged numbers like what? A few days ago? And today, he asked me for Bel's url... ...lol...

Ok...got nothing to talk about... ... Also managed to get Rachel's number...

Today Clarice returned my sms and said she was fine...hope the three will reconcile... ...haiz... ...

Solemn Perfectionist rocked the house on 8:32 PM

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Yeah I have nothing to write about...

I don't know how many of you actually read the entry that I posted last night and I don't really check my tagboard nowadays cause' it takes too long to load... ...

There;s gonna be some Supplementary from Mon to Thurs and I am actually looking forward to it...lol. That's cause' I'd rather study in school than at home... ...

I am very worried for PSLE because even though the papers are easier than Prelims...I just found out that my Prelim Marks are likely not to be 250+. I think it's only high 240+. Oh shit... ...

Solemn Perfectionist rocked the house on 9:32 AM

Friday, September 01, 2006

Today Chinese tuition was irritated by Isabel...

Yeah that stupid Isabel Phua. She made fun of me and Bel...bad enough. She told the chinese teacher that I like her?! The Chinese teacher opened her eyes wide open then I pretended that I did not know what they were talking about. She said, "Ni bie luan shuo bie ren ah!"...

Me? I was just a good boy doing his Xi Zi...

And btw, Bel I have your hw...Your Isabel passed it to me...what a bad frn...lol

Solemn Perfectionist rocked the house on 7:48 PM


Name: --Euphoria-Devastation--
D.O.B.: --8 Jan--
Location: --Singapore--
Occupation: --Student--

School: --CCHMS--
Religion: --Christianity (Anglican)--
Church: --COGS--
Fav Show: --The 4400--

Fav Artists: --Daniel Powter, Craig Daivid, Kelly Clarkson, Marion Raven, Rihanna (lol), Maroon Five, Hoobastank, Green Day, Backstreet Boys--
Hobbies: --Watching TV, Using Com And Of Course SLEEPING--
Ambition: --Writer--
Fav Movies: --Death Note, Just Like Heaven, Harry Potter--

Fav Books: --The Privelege of Youth (Dave Pelzer), Harry Potter series (JK Rowling), Dark Matter (Matthew Reily), Scarecrow (Matthew Reily)--


Life in CCHMS is making me appreciate SHPS...I mea...
Finally, I can post an entry...Life in CCHMS is so...
We survived the bombs...XDPpl might be wondering w...
Sry I can't find a skin right now...I'm now in Tha...
Just came back from Church Camp...I wouldn't say i...
Tomorrow going for church camp... ....I have absol...
Sequel to last post:Sry. Can't find a skin. Will t...
Sry, it's been a long time since I last posted...D...
Sry haven't been using com for quite some time. My...


April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007


Abigail Sim
Caleb Goh
Ian Tan
Ian Yap
Mei Jun
Melody M.

