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Tuesday, October 31, 2006

FINALLY! The page to post an entry finishes loading!!!

In just two days, I am off to Chiang Mai. Although rooming with the two terrors might be a little traumatising, but I guess other than tt, things should turn out fine.

Now, in sch today was the Sexuality Education. it was much worse than last year and the teachers were extremely liberal with their words pertaining to uh...

Ok, I will say it. Sex.

Anyway Sunday was Den's party and it turned out to be really fun. I brought Caleb Goh along so those of you have never seen him before, the stranger was him! Lol, he thinks Tabitha's Sec 4... ...

The only thing tt lacked frm last year's party was an air-conditioned place. Other than tt, everything was fine. Although the weather was a prob... ... It was raining at night... ...

Btw, if any of you are wondering what I bought for the birthday girl, it was a bestseller. Lol. Devil Wears Prada.

Alright dunno wad to do now. Can you believe it?! only 20+ ppl turned up today!!! The rest either are sick, find it sian, need to pack for the trip, or just dun want to face the sexuality talk.

Tts all I can touch on for now. You can probably expect my next post maybe... after the Chiang Mai trip? Dunno larh but in any case I hope you guys can keep tagging... ...

Solemn Perfectionist rocked the house on 12:31 PM

Friday, October 27, 2006

For the first time in history, the Chinese teacher is actually letting us use the coms for playing... ...

Hurry! Better mark down the date while the moment lasts lol. I just edited the music. And since I was doing so, I thought I might as well edit my name. I was notified months ago but I was too lazy to edit it.

... ...

Ok, I am back from reporting to Grace who's coming for this afternoon's project. We have to redo it?!

Anyway I dunno if Beth helped me yesterday to post tt entry abt my Chiang Mai rooming. If she hasn't, let me enlighten you very briefly... ...

It's confirmed. I have been sentenced to room with... them...

Alright tt's all for now. Uh... How many of you are making it to Den's party? I know a lot of you are going to the Wild Wild Wet outing on the same day... ...

Solemn Perfectionist rocked the house on 8:46 AM

Thursday, October 26, 2006


I am sure many if you who are going to Chiang Mai alr know this and if you don't let me enlighten you.

I'm sure you rememberin my previous post, I mentioned something about a possibility tt I hv to room with two ppl. Well... the possibility just came true today... ...

As I am still trying to recover frm my utter shock and sever disappointment... I am trying to look at the situation at an optimistic perspective. I mean, what's the worse tt could happen?

... ...

Ok nvm. Forget what I just said.

I have really no idea what to do now. Audition Server cannot be connected or something...

Alright since I hv absolutely NOTHING to do and SO MUCH to worry abt, I might as well use my time to check your blogs... ....

May my roomates have mercy on my soul...lol jk

Solemn Perfectionist rocked the house on 9:01 PM

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

I know, I know... it's been ages since I last posted an entry...

I have been too pre-occupied using the com. Now that it's under maintenance, I have the chance to post an entry.

So many outings lately... Just yesterday I watched DOA with eight other ppl. So happened tt I came across my tuition frn.

On Sat, there is supposed to be an outing to Escape but my parents dun allow me to go... ...

I cannot wait for the Chiang Mai trip... although there might be a prob. I might have to room with Michael and Ren Jie!!!!!!!!!

I tried talking to Ms Ng but she just said that she would decide. I hope she changes her mind... ...

It's still quite early and the maintenance only stops at 5 so I guess I will go check out your blogs in the meantime...

Solemn Perfectionist rocked the house on 4:45 PM

Sunday, October 15, 2006

I just checked my mail last night and came across a mail full of PC illusions.

The one tt really struck me was the one abt the four dots and Jesus. When I saw the face, I jumped in shock because I wasn't expecting anything like it. I think most of you must have alr gotten and seen the mail before...

... ...

I just finished checking my mail. Now I have no idea what to do w/my remaining time.

Solemn Perfectionist rocked the house on 10:58 AM

Thursday, October 12, 2006

I can't believe it's only end of PSLE and I'm going for so many outings.

Ok, maybe not tt many. But in despite the fact that we watched "John Tucker must die" the other day, I watched another show "Rob-B-Hood" today. And I was so stupid. Went to waste my money and spent $5 to get tokens for E-Zone.

Anyway, I regret not bringing my MP3 to day. It was so boring.

The worse is actually tt I kinda lost my Chiang Mai trip briefing form. Hops it's in my room... ...

Solemn Perfectionist rocked the house on 8:10 PM

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Gd news: PSLE is finally over.
Bad news: Kai isn't going to Chiang Mai

Dunno if the teachers are going to at least find a replacement to bunk in with Ben and me. Anyway today we played Silent Heart attack and for the first time in history... I DID NOT LOSE!!! But I still owe them that forfeit. Lol. Claeb Mah also hv to do forfeit. Then because of that Mrs Simon, Bel and Kai can't go to the trip. Bel cried or something cause' of that. Anyway, I finally bothered to plug in my MP3 to the com (Cause' I am always too lazy to do so...) and got two new songs. Lol.

I dunno what else to write and I hv to go soon. Just have to add Kai to my links and I gtg.

Solemn Perfectionist rocked the house on 4:18 PM

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Sry haven't been posting...hv been playing com...lol

PSLE gonna end on Mon. Can't wait. Anyway, will be going to TM on Mon with Den and the rest.

Nothing else to talk abt.

Solemn Perfectionist rocked the house on 8:51 PM


Name: --Euphoria-Devastation--
D.O.B.: --8 Jan--
Location: --Singapore--
Occupation: --Student--

School: --CCHMS--
Religion: --Christianity (Anglican)--
Church: --COGS--
Fav Show: --The 4400--

Fav Artists: --Daniel Powter, Craig Daivid, Kelly Clarkson, Marion Raven, Rihanna (lol), Maroon Five, Hoobastank, Green Day, Backstreet Boys--
Hobbies: --Watching TV, Using Com And Of Course SLEEPING--
Ambition: --Writer--
Fav Movies: --Death Note, Just Like Heaven, Harry Potter--

Fav Books: --The Privelege of Youth (Dave Pelzer), Harry Potter series (JK Rowling), Dark Matter (Matthew Reily), Scarecrow (Matthew Reily)--


Life in CCHMS is making me appreciate SHPS...I mea...
Finally, I can post an entry...Life in CCHMS is so...
We survived the bombs...XDPpl might be wondering w...
Sry I can't find a skin right now...I'm now in Tha...
Just came back from Church Camp...I wouldn't say i...
Tomorrow going for church camp... ....I have absol...
Sequel to last post:Sry. Can't find a skin. Will t...
Sry, it's been a long time since I last posted...D...
Sry haven't been using com for quite some time. My...


April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007


Abigail Sim
Caleb Goh
Ian Tan
Ian Yap
Mei Jun
Melody M.

